Monday, January 24, 2011

idea for project

These images are photographed by Sergei Mikailovich Prokudin-Gorski

I would like to take a character I designed, an oil can, and create a story about where this oil can would work. His ability or lack there of to get the job done. His job would be to keep a large assembly line of machines well lubricated. Certain problems would arrive like he wants to make a name for himself so he takes on more responsibility than he can handle. He could emulate the turtle vs hare scenario. Always trying to catch up with maintenance until he runs a muck of the place. Or the cast out, he is required to work on the machine that no one likes, but in the end makes a friend.(machines have personalities). Oil could be the story, he has to constantly get oil from the barrel to keep up with maintenece and the oil barrel is stingy! We could call the barrel “the sheik”. Or a compilation of these ideas. What do you think?

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